Project: ExecutivePro


ExecutivePro (EP) is a desktop app for Human Resource managers to manage their employee information, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, EP can get your employee management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Here are my contributions to the project.

Code Contributed: RepoSense Link

New Feature

  • Created new classes Payroll, LeaveCounter for an employee. Created test cases for these classes.
  • Added new command leave to help employees take leave. Created test cases for the command.
  • Created new function in model to select employee based on EmployeeId instead of Index.

Enhancements implemented:

  • Updated implementation of edit command to use new EmployeeId class. Had to fix the
  • Refactored Person class to Employee class to tailor the code base to our product. Also changed all instances of person into employee.
  • Refactored AddressBook class to ExecutiveProDb class to tailor the code base to our product. Had to edit almost all parts of the existing code base. Also changed all instances of ExecutiveProDb into AddressBook.
  • Added 4 new fields for Employee class, payroll, leaveCounter, dateOfBirth, dateOfJoining. Updated test cases.
  • Updated implementation of AddCommand, EditCommand and UI components to display the new fields. Updated test cases.

Contributions to the UG:

  • Added instructions for leave command along with examples.
  • Updated the format for edit command to include the new fields for employees.

Contributions to the DG:

  • Updated the explanation of the Implementation of edit and leave command and also the UML sequence diagram.
  • Added user stories for leave and setpicture command.
  • Added NFR use cases.

Contributions to team-based tasks:

  • Played active role in the brainstorming sessions to come up with new features.
  • Helped to triage the bugs received from the PE dry run.
  • Helped fix bugs received after the PE dry run.
  • Adapt test cases according to our product needs and improve code coverage by writing new test cases.

Review/mentoring contributions:

Contributions beyond the project team :