Project: ExecutivePro


ExecutivePro (EP) is a desktop app for Human Resource managers to manage their employee information, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, EP can get your employee management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Contributions to the team:

Code Contributed:

Enhancements implemented:

  • Improved delete command such that details of employee will be deleted based on EmployeeId
  • Improved add command such that certain fields such as address of the employee will be non-compulsory
  • Improved UI of ExecutivePro to make it user-friendly and allows HR Managers to click on each employee and have their details pop out on the right panel
  • Created test cases for delete command

Contributions to the UG:

  • Edited instructions for most commands.
  • Edited information in tables of field formats, command summary and batchadd
  • Changed the introduction and added details for documentation bugs.
  • Added a new section on how to use user guide.

Contributions to the DG:

  • Edited information for most commands
  • Created style.puml such that the diagrams would have standardized colors.
  • Updated all the diagrams to remove any instances of AddressBook.
  • Implemented Planned Enhancements to target feature flaws.
  • Implemented more user stories.
  • Implemented more use cases.

Contributions to team-based tasks:

  • Actively participated in team discussions.
  • Fixed bugs received from PE-D.
  • Edited UG tables based on changes in command format.

Review/Mentoring Contributions:

Contributions beyond team project:

  • Caught bugs for CS2103T-T12-4 (#2, #5, #4)